Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Here's wishing all a fabulous Christmas, year end and a promising and rollicking new year ahead!

Happy Holidays!!!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Back to Blogging, Creativity and Year End...

Again a long gap and it's somewhat unintended! Blogging and anything creative needs time and I was not getting any. Work kills your creativity...well literally! It leaves no time to feed your creative instincts and drains energy. It's frustrating sometimes for a creative soul like me...I feel I'm going on like a robot, doing nothing which makes me feel that I have done something worthwhile. The imagination within me burns incessantly. I ponder and set my imagination free. I want to end the year with a resolution- I want to do something which satisfies my creativity; read a lot, write a lot and voice my opinions, and most importantly, keep on blogging :)

So, I'm eager to end the year on a jubilant note and welcome the new year with a bang! Here I raise a toast to my creativity!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Top Ten Romantic Movies to Enjoy on a Rainy Day

Movies fascinate me! I'm a voracious reader and avid movie enthusiast, and the magic of silver screen enchants me like nothing else! Romantic movies or where love is the main theme captivates me in a big way. I've watched innumerable romantic movies as well as movies depicting various aspects of love. Not that I liked all of them, but most of them have won my heart.

So wondering which movies to catch up with on a rainy day? Well, choices may vary individually...but there are some titles which I guess are universal favorites. Check out the list of my personal favorite top ten which I would love to watch during the beautiful monsoons. Prerequisites: A comfy sofa, some soft pillows, good food and of course your sweetheart in tow:)

1)  Notting Hill: I have watched this several times and each time I watch, I fall in love with the characters again and again! The aura is beautiful, romance is mushy, music is wonderful and everything just looks in place. Hugh Grant and Julia Roberts is fabulous!

2) Pretty Woman: Awesome, Classy and Beautiful! Julia Roberts as Vivian still tops my chart of her favorite movies.

3) Cold Mountain: Jude Law, Nicole Kidman and Renee Zellweger puts up stellar performances in this 2003 war drama. Love is beautiful as well as sombre in this film.

4) Titanic: Oh so beautiful! It has now become an epic and cult romantic film. I find it hard to control my tears when I watch this love saga. I guess Jack and Rose would stand out as my all time favorite romantic characters. Titanic is still one of the highest grossing films in history!

5) Autumn in New York: Lovely, serene and melancholy at the same time! This is one of my favorite Winona Ryder films.

6) My Best Friend's Wedding: Hilarious and lovely at the same time. Julia Roberts at her vivacious best!

7) The Notebook: A simple and beautiful story and truly touching!

8) City of Angels: Nicolas Cage and Meg Ryan as Seth and Maggie are wonderful in this romantic drama. You fall in love with the characters over and over again!

9) Unfaithful: I love this one...well-made, lots of twists and turns and stark.

10) Shakespeare in Love: With an impressive assembly of good actors, this period piece is romantic, intriguing and swashbuckling!

There's a whole lot of beautiful movies which I have watched or want to watch...movies that fascinate me, make me cry or ponder...but more about them in the posts to come. Enjoy!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Surround Yourself With Music!

I am a complete music and movie aficionado! More so, I cannot imagine my everyday existence without music. Music is present in every form in my life. It soothes my soul, cleanses all clutter in my mind, refreshes me, fills me with new energy, makes me romantic and rejuvenates me in every way!
no music no life Pictures, Images and Photos

I feel, music is present in minute little details and surroundings in our lives. You just have to search for it! Music is the language of God! It's His way of saying that He exists! Music can be so beautiful, so very enchanting! Music can be felt in the early morning twitter and songs of various unknown birds, droplets of rain, cascading and gushing water, the hustle and bustle of daily life, cacophony of horns during traffic jams, prattling of exuberant children, busy chirping of birds after sunset and what not! The presence of music in myriad forms in our lives is undeniable. I guess the world would have been a very different and unpleasant place to live without music.

Personally, I unwind with music, whenever I feel low, cannot concentrate, have any tension or simply when I need to recharge myself. I feel an instant emotional surge; my mind gets a complete makeover and I feel renewed with extra energy. Music helps us to smile. Such is the power of music! Music engulfs everything, removes negative energy, makes you think positive. Music is used to relieve stress and as healing therapy for many ailments.

Include music in every way you can and see the difference!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


I need to be loved
I need to be happy
Cared and comforted
Longing for love
Yearning to be needed
Waiting for loneliness to disappear
Filling my life with ecstasy!

Loneliness is a feeling of emptiness and solitude, sometimes self-imposed, sometimes influenced by several external factors. Let's begin with a beautiful poem on loneliness by Katherine Mansfield...but can loneliness be beautiful? Isn't it paradoxical? it goes:

Now it is Loneliness who comes at night
Instead of Sleep, to sit beside my bed.
Like a tired child I lie and wait her tread,
I watch her softly blowing out the light.
Motionless sitting, neither left or right
She turns, and weary, weary droops her head.
She, too, is old; she, too, has fought the fight.
So, with the laurel she is garlanded.

Through the sad dark the slowly ebbing tide
Breaks on a barren shore, unsatisfied.
A strange wind flows... then silence. I am fain
To turn to Loneliness, to take her hand,
Cling to her, waiting, till the barren land
Fills with the dreadful monotone of rain

Now, loneliness has perhaps become synonymous with our lives! There's a saying, " it's always lonely at the top...", but I guess it persists everywhere, all the time. The modern day life and lifestyle is aggravating it more. Then there are stress and tension at home and workplace, anxiety and various other factors contributing to feeling unwanted, neglected and empty inside. Many noted actors, musicians, writers and people from various professions today are victims of profound despair and depression. Several studies and researches today show that the feeling of loneliness and despair is spreading like a disease and it is quite alarming for our society! Chronic depression has now become a common syndrome among teenagers and many adults.

How can we deal with loneliness? It's easier said than done. I do not want to go into all those typical theoretical solutions and loads of commonly practiced methods. Sometimes, we feel dejected for no apparent reason. We need to be happy, need to feel loved, wanted and cared all the time. Loneliness should be dealt with love and compassion. Only that would heal loneliness in a slow and steady way.